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Laura Ingalls Wilder

Emergency Personnel

All emergency personnel for the City of De Smet can be accessed by dialing "911".

Phone numbers to reach these services for non-emergency related issues are as follows:

De Smet Fire Department

(605) 854-3976

Kingsbury Co. Sheriff's Dept.

(605) 854-3339

Avera De Smet Hospital

(605) 854-3329

De Smet Fire Department Avera Hospital

Former Sheriff welcomes new residents

It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the City of De Smet. The Kingsbury County Sheriff’s Office provides law enforcement to the City of De Smet and our mission is to protect and to serve. They all work hard to provide the residents of De Smet, and the residents of Kingsbury County, a safe place to live and raise our children.

I know you will enjoy the City of De Smet and its friendly people as much as I do. This community provides many activities including recreation and schools. We are also the home of the Laura Ingalls Wilder Pageant.

I am sure you’ll like it here; welcome to the neighborhood!

Kevin M. Scotting
Kingsbury County Former Sheriff
(605) 854-3339

Emergency Personnel

Fire Department
The De Smet Fire Department moved into a new facility on 2011. The new 6,993 sq ft building is located on Highway 25 adjacent to 1st street. The department is comprised of thirty local volunteers and serves the city of De Smet as well as surrounding rural areas. Each new elected volunteer attends a series of intense training classes. The firemen meet twice a month for additional training and drills.

De Smet Rescue Unit
The De Smet Rescue Unit includes a diverse group of volunteers with many different backgrounds and interests.

Through the years, the community of De Smet and the surrounding townships, have rallied behind the unit. One of the current ambulances in use is a direct “gift: of that support. This effort is to be applauded as many additional gifts and memorials continue to be received on a regular basis. A heartfelt thank you goes out for this support.

While the hours are less than desirable, the training is intense and the commitment can be overwhelming, the rewards of such a group are unexplainable. The ability to help friends and neighbors in their time of need leaves our members with a feeling that can’t be achieved by any other means.

If you are interested in volunteering as an emergency personnel contact the city of De Smet at (605) 854-3731.

Community Calendar

De Smet AED Map

De Smet AED Map

Posted on: 06-14-2022

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